Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Justice Never Sleeps—Even on Weekends!
Doorman Hunted Wildly in Nørrebro
Dørmand jaget vildt på Nørrebro
Doorman and His Family are Outlaws in Nørrebro
Dørmand og hans familie er fredløse på Nørrebro
Two Youths Captured after Freeing Action
To unge fængslet efter befrielsesaktion
Justice Minister Declares War on Immigrant Gangs
Justitsministeren erklærer indvandrer-bander krig
Assault on Doorman was Carefully Planned
Overfaldet på dørmanden var nøje planlagt
The money quote comes from our man Ove Dahl in the last article:
So the doorman's family and brother in-law have been taken out of Nørrebro and are under police protection somewhere. Had they remained in Nørrebro, the articles imply, they'd almost certainly be killed in retaliation.
Justice Minister Lene Espersen says of the immigrant gangs, "We will come down hard on them, and pressure them in every way. They're going to feel our hot breath on their necks. Twenty-four hours a day. Also on weekends."
Even on weekends! This must indeed be war.
Spokesmen for the immigrant gangs remain conspicuously silent.
Dørmand jaget vildt på Nørrebro
Doorman and His Family are Outlaws in Nørrebro
Dørmand og hans familie er fredløse på Nørrebro
Two Youths Captured after Freeing Action
To unge fængslet efter befrielsesaktion
Justice Minister Declares War on Immigrant Gangs
Justitsministeren erklærer indvandrer-bander krig
Assault on Doorman was Carefully Planned
Overfaldet på dørmanden var nøje planlagt
The money quote comes from our man Ove Dahl in the last article:
»Intet er tilfældigt i det multikriminelle miljø på Nørrebro."Nothing is random on the mean streets of Nørrebro." Sounds like the opening to a noir novel.
Der var tale om et regulært tæskehold, som kun var der for at banke dørmanden. De ville give ham en lærestreg«, siger drabschef i Københavns Politi, Ove Dahl.
"Nothing is random in the crime-rich environment of Nørrebro. There was talk of a regular task-force, which existed only to hit the doorman. They wanted to teach him a lesson," says Copenhagen Police homicide boss Ove Dahl.
So the doorman's family and brother in-law have been taken out of Nørrebro and are under police protection somewhere. Had they remained in Nørrebro, the articles imply, they'd almost certainly be killed in retaliation.
Justice Minister Lene Espersen says of the immigrant gangs, "We will come down hard on them, and pressure them in every way. They're going to feel our hot breath on their necks. Twenty-four hours a day. Also on weekends."
Even on weekends! This must indeed be war.
Spokesmen for the immigrant gangs remain conspicuously silent.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
A Security Camera, a Murder, a Breakout
In a comment to the previous post, I mentioned yesterday that I wanted to mention Saturday night's Nørrebro shooting. The facts of that case were confused at the time, and are still fairly confusing to me. But over the course of the day, today, things have gone from confusing to incredible. I can't possibly translate all of the relevant articles and compare coverage from all the papers, but let me try to get around that by means of a Hollywood shortcut: I'm going to present various headlines from various papers from Saturday night forward. I'll present each headline in an English transation, with the original text beneath it. Each headline will link to the appropriate article. We'll see what kind of story that tells...
(Note that I started with Politiken and tried to keep redundancy to a minimum, meaning that the wire stories that appeared in Politiken can also be found in many of the other papers even though they're only linked to Politiken here.)

Shooting Death at [Cafe] Rust Surrounded by Rumors
Skuddrab ved Rust omgærdet af rygter
Police Met with Silence Around Nørrebro Slaying
Politiet bliver mødt af tavshed omkring Nørrebro-drab
Injured Shooting Victim Jailed for Violence Against Doorman
Såret skudoffer fængslet for vold mod dørmand
30-Year-Old Jailed for Violence Against Shooting Doorman
30-årig fængslet for vold mod skydende dørmand
Personal Conflict Cause of Shooting Death at Rust
Personopgør årsag til skuddrab ved Rust
Fear of Revenge in Nørrebro
Frygt for hævn på Nørrebro
Shooting Victim Freed from Hospital by Hooded Men
Skudoffer befriet fra Rigshospitalet af hætteklædte mænd
Accused in Shooting Case Freed from Hospital
Sigtet i skudsag befriet fra Rigshospitalet
Wounded Gang Leader Freed from [Hospital]
Såret bandeleder befriet fra Riget
All Rules Obeyed
Alle regler overholdt
Police: Hard-Boiled Environment Behind Abduction
Politiet: Hårdkogt miljø bag bortførelse
Insecurity at Hospital after Freeing Action
Utryghed på Rigshospitalet efter befrielsesaktion
Correction Officer's Union Demands Better Security at Hospitals
Fængselsforbund kræver bedre sikring af hospitaler
Increase of Gangs Must Be Stopped
Tilgang til bander skal stoppes
Police Chief Wants to Outflank Immigrant Gangs
Politidirektør vil mandsopdække indvandrer-bander
Okay, it tells a very sketchy story. I'm going to try to present the events as succinctly as possible—but it's late and I'm tired so there may be errors:
A group of "second-generation immigrants" were reportedly trying to pull down a security camera in front of the Cafe Rust in Nørrebro on Saturday when the doorman and his friend arrived. They tried to stop the group, which instigated violence, to which the doorman responded by shooting at them with his pistol. He killed one man and wounded another—the dead man's brother.
The wounded brother was taken in police custody to Rigshospitalet ("The Hospital of the Realm"), where he was treated under guard. Sunday night a group of hooded men stormed the hospital and freed him.
The wounded brother was also accused of involvement in the April 21 Christiania shooting (about which there's plenty to read in previous posts), but the police have discouraged the notion of any connection.
Says Chief Inspector Ove Dahl: "There are some entirely special circumstances in this case which will come forth later." ("Der er nogle helt specielle omstændigheder i denne sag, som nok vil komme frem senere.")
(Reactions to this developing story are much more interesting than Danish reaction to the French non, so I'm going to renege my promise to post something about that.)
(Note that I started with Politiken and tried to keep redundancy to a minimum, meaning that the wire stories that appeared in Politiken can also be found in many of the other papers even though they're only linked to Politiken here.)

Shooting Death at [Cafe] Rust Surrounded by Rumors
Skuddrab ved Rust omgærdet af rygter
Police Met with Silence Around Nørrebro Slaying
Politiet bliver mødt af tavshed omkring Nørrebro-drab
Injured Shooting Victim Jailed for Violence Against Doorman
Såret skudoffer fængslet for vold mod dørmand
30-Year-Old Jailed for Violence Against Shooting Doorman
30-årig fængslet for vold mod skydende dørmand
Personal Conflict Cause of Shooting Death at Rust
Personopgør årsag til skuddrab ved Rust
Fear of Revenge in Nørrebro
Frygt for hævn på Nørrebro
Shooting Victim Freed from Hospital by Hooded Men
Skudoffer befriet fra Rigshospitalet af hætteklædte mænd
Accused in Shooting Case Freed from Hospital
Sigtet i skudsag befriet fra Rigshospitalet
Wounded Gang Leader Freed from [Hospital]
Såret bandeleder befriet fra Riget
All Rules Obeyed
Alle regler overholdt
Police: Hard-Boiled Environment Behind Abduction
Politiet: Hårdkogt miljø bag bortførelse
Insecurity at Hospital after Freeing Action
Utryghed på Rigshospitalet efter befrielsesaktion
Correction Officer's Union Demands Better Security at Hospitals
Fængselsforbund kræver bedre sikring af hospitaler
Increase of Gangs Must Be Stopped
Tilgang til bander skal stoppes
Police Chief Wants to Outflank Immigrant Gangs
Politidirektør vil mandsopdække indvandrer-bander
Okay, it tells a very sketchy story. I'm going to try to present the events as succinctly as possible—but it's late and I'm tired so there may be errors:
A group of "second-generation immigrants" were reportedly trying to pull down a security camera in front of the Cafe Rust in Nørrebro on Saturday when the doorman and his friend arrived. They tried to stop the group, which instigated violence, to which the doorman responded by shooting at them with his pistol. He killed one man and wounded another—the dead man's brother.
The wounded brother was taken in police custody to Rigshospitalet ("The Hospital of the Realm"), where he was treated under guard. Sunday night a group of hooded men stormed the hospital and freed him.
The wounded brother was also accused of involvement in the April 21 Christiania shooting (about which there's plenty to read in previous posts), but the police have discouraged the notion of any connection.
Says Chief Inspector Ove Dahl: "There are some entirely special circumstances in this case which will come forth later." ("Der er nogle helt specielle omstændigheder i denne sag, som nok vil komme frem senere.")
(Reactions to this developing story are much more interesting than Danish reaction to the French non, so I'm going to renege my promise to post something about that.)